6 Types of Chinese Tea You Have to Try
You might have a chance of visiting a Chinese teahouse during your trip in China and there will be many different kind of Chinese tea for you to taste. The six types of tea are green tea, black tea, oolong tea, white tea, yellow tea, and dark tea. Each type of Chinese tea has its own unique producing process and health benefits. Let’s check out the difference between all this Chinese tea!
Green Tea (lǜ chá 绿茶)
This is the most popular and oldest type of tea across China. The leaves are processed through careful steaming, frying and sun-drying to remove the moisture and bring out the fragrance, to make sure the tea leaves keep their original color. After brewing the color of the tea is green.
Due to not being unfermented, green tea leaves retain many natural nutrients from the original fresh leaves. It is beneficial to your health including for improving the brain function, lossing fat, and lowering the risk of cancer.
Famous Teas: West Lake Longjing Tea (西湖龙井茶), Huangshan Maofeng Tea (黄山毛峰茶), Wuyuan Mingmei Tea (婺源茗眉茶), Biluochun Tea (碧螺春茶), Lushan Yunwu Tea (庐山云雾).
Black Tea (hóng chá 红茶)
Black tea first appeared in the Qing dynasty, and has become the second main trend type of tea in China. It is a fermented tea with a strong flavor.
During the production, it retains just 10% of tea polyphenols, but new components such as Theaflavins and Thearubigins are generated during the fermentation process. Therefore it helps us to increase appetite and strengthen our heart function.
Famous Teas: Qi Hong Tea(祁红)、Dianhong Tea (滇红)、Yinghong Tea (英红)
Oolong Tea (wū lóng chá 乌龙茶)
This tea type lies somewhere between black and green tea. As a semi-fermented tea, it owns a fresh fragrance and mellow taste. You might hear that it is also called “slimming tea” or “bodybuilding tea” because oolong tea has good effects on losing weight and lowering blood lipids and cholesterol.
Famous Teas: Dahongpao(大红袍), Tieguanyin (铁观音), Dongding Oolong Tea (顶乌龙茶), Oriental Beauty (东方美人)
White Tea (báichá 白茶)
White tea is a slightly fermented tea, which is made in the most natural way and the minimal processes among these six types of tea. The fresh leaves are simply spread out on a bamboo mat under weak sunlight to allowed them to wither naturally.
As a very light and nice tea, it contains many antioxidants which are good for your skin.
Famous Teas: Fuding White Tea (福鼎白茶), Huangshan White Tea (黄山白茶)
Yellow Tea (huáng chá 黄茶)
The process of making yellow tea is similar to green tea, but it requires an additional step called ‘sealed yellowing’ which can reduce the bitterness. It contains a lot of special enzymes that are very helpful for treating indigestion and loss of appetite.
Famous Teas: Junshan Silver Needle (君山银针), Mengding yellow bud (蒙顶黄芽), Huoshan Yellow Bud (霍山黄芽), Guangdong Daye Green (广东大叶青)
Dark Tea (hēichá 黑茶)
Dark tea is a type of fermented tea that is nice for long preserved. The longer you keep the better it tastes, raw Pu’er being at its best after about 10 years, and ripe Pu’er reaching its best fragrance after 2 or 3 years. Its amazing nutritional ingredients, such as Protein, amino acids, and sugar substances can help you relief greasy and promote digestion.
Famous Teas: Yunnan Pu’er (云南普洱), Anhui Ancha (安徽安茶), Sichuan Tibetan Tea (四川藏茶), Fu Tea (茯茶)
By now, for sure you have made an idea about the 6 types of Chinese Tea. We hope you can try one of them during your stay in China. BOOK NOW!
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